A break from The Army
Right; since I am on holiday I am also taking a break from The Army.
However, some of my colleagues are not:
articleWhat is psyops?
radio clip
Please check back in August.
Fashion stories
I had a cultural start to my week when I met up with my best art pal in Stockholm on Sunday.
The Modern Museum is currently showing a retrospective show of Siri Derkerts life and creations. It really inspired me...
Siri felt strongly about the environment, peace movement and equality between men and women. Although she was born over 100 years before me, it’s the same subjects that my peers and I can relate to today. But instead of protesting against the war in Vietnam, we’re now discussing the peace operations in Afghanistan. And instead of protesting against the rule that once banned female art students to draw nude male models, we’re now disputing unequal pay for the same job – depending on if you have a penis.
We’ve become so civilized, wouldn’t you say?
Makes me wonder when it became alright for women to paint nude male models in Sweden? At least we were one of the first countries to allow women at art schools, while not much was expected of us in the early 1900s. Whatever year, I won’t be surprised. The last country in Western Europe to allow women to vote was Liechtenstein. The year was 1984.
In Stockholm I also enjoyed Lars Wallin’s display of dresses at the exhibition ‘fashion stories’ at Walldemarsudde. Both shows are amazing and well worth a visit – also for the museums architecture and fabulous sites.
Today on the other hand, I started my day with a bike ride to town for a facial. It was super relaxing. I also drove the family motor boat for the first time – a Buster Magnum at 50 knots. I loved it. I already love the sea and boats so this was obviously up my street, plus the weather’s great. It’s been sunny all week.
I think the massage of the face and shoulders this morning made me realize I am actually on holiday. And I will be off for five weeks in total – boy do I need this break. In fact, everybody needs a good break.
OK, it’s my dad’s birthday and I’m being called a computer nerd, so better dash!