The most precious resource
The snow is melting quickly in Enköping and the 25mins walk to and from work has become a great start and finish to my day.
Somewhere between the main square and the train station I pass the same three people every morning. They must all be getting off the train... First a medium height black man dressed in dark clothes and a blue hat pulled down over his ears, then a short and very large woman in her early 30s with brown hair, and always wearing a brown poncho. The third person is a good looking man in his late 20s with thick “media” glasses and black hair. He wears a smart jacket and is kind of geeky looking.
It’s been sunny every day for the past week and it’s great to get back from work around 5pm and have five hours of spare time before going to bed. Time really is our most precious resource. I love that fact that as soon as I leave the military base, I am no longer thinking about work and a new creative mind kicks in.
Having been without a TV and internet since I moved here has definitely pushed my creative thinking forward. I love it, and my life is starting to feel richer than ever before.