New clothes and boss

I’ve had a lot of compliments at work today. It’s the result of wearing my blue uniform, M87, for the first time. The complete clothing has finally arrived and includes a short-sleeved white shirt, two long-sleeved white shirts, a suit jacket, rain coat, two blue trousers and a skirt. Plus a black tie, belt and hat.

It arrived at a perfect time. Having spent the spring and early summer in boot camp - to achieve the standard international soldier training – I am back in my most familiar environment: The office.

It goes without saying, but after spring’s challenges I am fully enjoying the comforts of my office, and the M87 feels like an early Christmas present. Having tried the blue uniform, someone will have to force me to put on the big, green, forest look-alike garments again!

We also have a new boss and I sense there will be some changes... The former Psyops boss was great and I hope you had a chance to listen to his explanation of psyops in the post: "A break from The Army". Anyhow, to save myself from unnecessary stress due to ongoing speculations about changes at work, I’ve decided to speak my mind and practise observation.


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