Party on the radio

Third day on my first mission and I started the day with permission of a 30mins shower. Having gone without a wash for three days, it was a slight incredible experience.


At the moment, we’re counting down the minutes until my show starts. I recorded a two hours show with a party theme and dance music this afternoon. As always on the radio, I go on an adrenaline high and become a complete zombie afterwards. I’m actually sleep deprived, as we’re awake watching over the broadcast at night.


Listening to loud music and producing jingles from the cabin kitchen over here is reminding me a lot of the days at Total Rock Radio in London. Only world famous rock stars walking in and out missing... Instead there are a bunch of fit Swedish soldiers in green army pants, hehe.


Before this mission I made sure to get bigger shoes and pants, so no more blisters and itchy feet for me, such a relief.


We’ve mainly been inside today since a snowstorm hit the forest this morning. I am really looking forward to spring now. Also got two weeks off in April, so thinking of going to a warmer place... Any ideas?


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