Psyops days away
I was only in the office for three days last week and then we went out of town for a Psyops planning conference.
Apart from listening, discussing and taking notes, exercising was on the schedule. I was expecting a hard-core workout and prepared myself for the worst, whilst people gathered up on the field outside. Then all of a sudden my Dutch yoga teacher from the local gym rocked up and held a one hour class in the sun.
The yoga was followed by beer drinking in the sauna with the girls and later on we all enjoyed a dinner party until the early hours. I also got my own single room for the night with a real bed! Just like you expect at a work conference I suppose. So all in all, I’m happy to say it was a wonderful military experience. :-)
There hasn’t really been any time to chill however, since our last mission, so that’s what I did this weekend. I slept all Saturday and didn’t get up until 10am Sunday to read, cook and do some laundry. It was great.
Since I moved in to my flat I haven’t had any Internet at home. I tried an Internet service for three days in March and got super stressed from being instantly available to the world, so I returned it to the shop. So now when I am actually at home, it’s like being on holiday.